With that said playing with two players is a very fun experience, especially when you both take on different roles. Unfortunately, there is nothing here that lets me combine my moves with the other player, either with elemental attacks (electricity after water etc) or combination moves, so there’s our little request for Cat Quest 3 out of the way. The example I always come back to is are the fellowship moves in The Lord of the Rings online that gave groups special moves with colour coded inputs, certain patterns would trigger corresponding effects. In games that do offer co-op experiences, I do like to see gameplay mechanics that take advantage of the fact you have two humans working together. It would have been nice to see a few cat and dog-related abilities thrown into the mix. Yeah, my son loves cats.īoth the main characters are essentially the same in terms of gameplay mechanics, which for me seemed like a missed opportunity. To date, he has aced the game three times. He clicked what I’d done and (after a lot of excited jumping up and down) we spent the whole weekend playing. Once he reached the border where the demo stopped play I told him to carry on.
One Friday after school I asked him if he wanted to play the Cat Quest demo, not telling him I’d actually bought and downloaded the full game as a reward for doing well at school. He absolutely devoured the demo and would play it over and over, something had to be done. Late in 2017, I downloaded a demo of Cat Quest, knowing that my lad would adore it (and maybe hold him off for a few weeks). Given we have just acquired a new (and very expensive) leather sofa unleashing a kitten would be like dropping a fireball into and ice cream factory, so for now it’s been a no. The two things my son loves in this world more than anything (apart from his amazing parents of course) are computer games and cats. My wife and I are currently under siege from our eight year old to get a cat.