The failed clicks would not have the changed repeat delay and rate values but would have the windows control panel values.
After changing repeat delay and repeat rate trough this software on average 1 out of 3 or 4 clicks would be a failed one in SC2, but there would never be any failed ones outside of SC2. I tried the software "Keyboard King" earlier but the program i have in mind, SC2, does not work too well with Keyboard king. I have been looking for ways to tamper with my repeat delay and repeat rate lately. I found this thread trough a helpful individual at that told me about it. Hello! First of all i want to say: great work with the software Soarer! fixed bug where dialog closed when clicking OK even when setting failed.

replaced MFC icon with an equally crappy one! added 'Original' button, which loads settings active when the utility was launched, as a half-assed 'Undo' feature.
Related: How can I increase the key repeat rate beyond the OS's limit?, where there's some discussion and also source code for a command line utility that sets repeat rate and delay using FilterKeys. Source code is provided, in C++ for VS2003, which should be easy to convert to a later version of VS.Įssentially it's just a wrapper for calling the SystemParametersInfo function with SPI_SETFILTERKEYS and passing it a FILTERKEYS structure. No rebooting, or logging off and then on again, is required. If you want to make settings permanent, check the box 'Save to registry'. The easiest way to use it for that purpose is to click 'Keyboard', which sets all the values to the same as you've got set in the normal Keyboard settings dialog in Control Panel, and then change repeat delay and rate to your liking. It's main use would be, as the title says, to set faster repeat than is normally possible. Unfortunately, proxies cause lag and they are generally very slow.This is just a quick and dirty utility for making FilterKeys settings, which allows values that are not possible to set using the standard Windows UI. Melibellule has said that the use of proxies to make your game work is permitted. Loads the game with this projector and post a screenshot if an error or error occurs.
Go to this page and download the “Projector Content Debugger (EXE)” for your operating system. NB:If you try to play Transformice in a public place such as school or work, it is usually a firewall that causes the connection to the server to be blocked.
If you do not know how to find or enable this for your firewall, post in this thread which firewall you are using and then someone will try to help you. Search with Google, or check your firewall documentation to find out how to set up a program to make an exception for Tranformice.

There are many different firewalls and therefore there is no standard method to unblock an application. If this is not the case, there may be something that causes your connection to the server to be blocked. If you see a large black block of text with “Reply from” then your connection is fine. Mac: Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal Windows: Start Menu -> Programs / All Programs -> Desk Accessories -> Command Prompt. To check your ping, follow the following steps in your Windows or Mac: By pinging the server you can check to what extent your computer can ‘communicate’ with the game server. If you use a Standalone, follow the instructions for Internet Explorer. On this website you will find a guide to empty your cookies for different browsers. In many cases you can just try again in a couple of hours if you are able to connect.Įmpty your cookies / cache.

You can log in to the IRC of transformice to ask a Moderator if there are any problems. Before you do something, first check if this is not the case. There are regular updates or server problems. It may be that it is not your connection that Transformice is out of it. With this guide we hope to help you solve your connection problems! Nobody likes it, of course, if he or she can not collect cheese. Access the Transformice Hack or Transformice Cheat below, you can go directly to the online hack or try the methods below: